On the left-hand side menu, select the Sculpt icon.
Select the Brush icon. Then select the Robust Smooth brush. This is a good brush to use if your object is looking spiky and rough.
You can also use the Shrink Smooth or Spikes brushes to reduce spikes.
If your 3D object is pitted with little dents, use the ‘Bubble Smooth’ tool.
Move the cursor over your model and you’ll see a grey circle appear with a small red dot at the centre.
The grey circle is your working area on the model. You can change the size using the Size slider on the left-hand side of your screen. The Strength indicates the level to which the model will be smoothed.
Click and hold the left mouse button and move your brush around the model and see if it’s having the effect you’re looking to achieve.
To move around your model:
- click and hold the right mouse button and move
the mouse
- scroll the mouse wheel to zoom
- click and hold the mouse wheel to
move side to side
When you're happy with how your object looks, save it.
Go to File, in the drop-down menu select Export.
Save your file as a '.stl' with a memorable name, in a safe place.
Congratulations, your model is now ready to 3D print!