Make your digital name badge even more personal by coding your own digital avatar that will display alongside your name.
An avatar is a logo or image that can be used to represent you.
Design your avatar. Find the create image block and use it to draw your avatar by ticking the boxes.
Add your avatar to the code of your digital name badge. Use a new block to do so – the show image block.
Hint: the show image block is quite Advanced
Here’s how your finished code might look:
Test it on the simulator and on your micro:bit.
Why not try to change your code? Here are some ideas.
• When it starts up, the badge will scroll showing your first name
• When the A button on the front is pressed it will show your avatar
• When the B button on the front is pressed it will show your surname
Think about the types of blocks you'll need. You might find some helpful blocks in the 'input' palette.