Sharing Your App Source Code

Download your app as an .aia file.

Step 1

You can share your app in an executable form (.apk) that can be installed on a phone, or in source code form (.aia) that can be loaded into App Inventor. You can also distribute your app on the Google Play Store.

Choose Projects > Save project from the top menu to save your app. 

Step 2

Choose Projects > My projects from the top menu to see a list of your projects. Select the project you wish to share by checking the box next to it. 

Choose Projects > Export selected project (.aia) to my computer to export the source code for your project. The source code is downloaded in .aia file format.

Step 3

You can now send the file to a friend and they can open it with App Inventor to play the app and remix the code. Choose Project > Import project (.aia) from my computer to open the source code of someone else’s app.