Test Out Your Fitness App and Get Feedback

Test your fitness app with users to get an idea of how accurate it is, and find out what the users think of it.

Step 1

Test the accuracy of your fitness app. The idea is to test your device in the same situations and places it might be used – this is called ‘field testing’. 

Reset the device to zero steps and then take 10 steps. How many did it count?

What happens if you take longer steps?

What happens if you take shorter steps? 

Does running compared to walking make a difference to the number of steps it counts?

Does it make a difference if you are going up and down stairs?

Can you find a way to 'trick' the device into counting more steps than you’ve taken?

Step 2

It’s important to get feedback from your users about the look and feel of your fitness device. Your code might work perfectly, but the users might not enjoy wearing it or might find it difficult to use.

Ask someone wearing the device to give you feedback about how the device looks and feels. This is known as ‘usability testing’. 

Does it feel comfortable? Is it heavy? 

Is it easy or difficult to see the display?

Would they be happy to wear it in public?

What features would they like to see added in a future version?