Practise setting up a pocket toolpath to create the pen holder and storage compartment of your desk tidy.
Step 1
Now you’ve created a profile toolpath, have a go at creating a pocket toolpath.
Each new toolpath you create will generate a 3D preview. To start working on the next toolpath, close the 3D preview and switch the tab from 3D View to 2D View at the top of your document.
Select the circles of your pen holder and the closed shape of your storage compartment then go to Toolpaths and click on Pocket Toolpath.
When the Pocket Toolpath menu opens, go to Tool and click on Select to choose your cutter and settings.
In the Tool List, go to Metric Tools and select the 6mm End Mill, then enter
the following settings:
In Cutting Parameters
- Pass Depth = 6mm
- Stepover = 40% (Stepover is the distance between toolpath centre lines, with each concentric pass the tool willoffset by 40%)
In Feeds and Speeds
- Spindle Speed = 15000 rpm
- Feed Rate = 3.6m/min
- Plunge Rate = 1.2m/min
- Once you’ve entered these settings, select Apply and OK to return to your
Profile Toolpath settings.
Step 3
To complete the rest of your Pocket Toolpath, enter the following settings:
In Cutting Depths
- Start Depth = 0mm
- Cut Depth = 20mm
In Clear Pocket…
Select Offset (Offset and Raster are different options for how the tool will clear material from the pocket area. Offset makes the tool start from the centre and work its way outward, clearing the pocket in concentric circles. Raster makes the tool work back and forth, moving sideways with each pass to clear the pocket. Raster is best used for long thin pockets, Offset works best for all other types of pocket.)
Leave the Direction on Climb as default.
Select Ramp Plunge and set the distance to 10mm.
Finally name your toolpath, using the same naming convention. Your toolpath will be called “Pen Storage Pocket 6mm End Mill”. Remember to differentiate your toolpaths from the other workshops participants’ toolpaths by adding your initials at the start of the name.
Once you’ve named it, press Calculate to complete your settings.