Practise outputting your toolpaths to the MDX-50 directly from VCarve Pro and milling out your first desk tidy prototype.
Step 1
To output your paths to the CNC mill, select Toolpaths so all your toolpaths are selected and select Save Toolpath in Toolpath Operations.
In Save Toolpaths, select the Roland (mm) (*.rol) post-processor.
Step 2
Go to the Built In Panel on the CNC mill and press Menu until you reach the ATC Tools. Select the tool you wish to use for your first toolpath.
- Tool 1 = 3mm end mill
- Tool 2 = 6mm V-Bit 60 deg
- Tool 3 = 6mm end mill
- Tool 6 = Z0 Detection Pin
In Save Toolpaths in VCarve, select the appropriate toolpath then select Output Direct to Machine. Click on Save toolpath and your toolpath will be sent to cut.
Repeat this operation for each new toolpath. Toolpaths using the same cutter can be selected together and output together to the CNC mill.
Step 3
While the machine is in operation, you can pause to view the cut at any point by using the PAUSE/CANCEL button.
You will then be asked if you wish to cancel or resume the operation. Select as required.
In the event of an incident where you need to stop the machine immediately, use the red emergency button on the top right side.