Design your desk tidy shape

Design the overall shape and features of your desk tidy using the Model Workspace.

Step 1

Go to Sketch and select Create Sketch to start mapping out the outer shape of your desk tidy.

Select the horizontal bottom plane to start your sketch.

Select the Spline tool from the Sketch menu.

Draw a similar shape to the form you just created and offset it to an angle, leaving a minimum of 10mm gap between the form you created and your new sketch. Make sure to return to your starting point to create a closed shape and use the black anchor points and green handles to edit the shape as required.

Once you’re satisfied with your shape, select Stop Sketch.

Step 2

Go to the Create menu and select Extrude.

Extrude your sketch up by 20mm with Operations set to New Body. Select OK to complete your extrusion.

Go to the Modify menu and select Combine.

Select your extruded shape as your Target Body and your sculpted form as your Tool Body. Set the Operation to Cut and select OK to carve the sculpted form out of the extruded shape.

Step 3

Start a new Sketch and select the top surface of your extruded shape as your work plane.

Create a pattern of 10mm circles in the position where you would like your desk tidy to hold pens.

Select Stop Sketch once you’re satisfied with the position of your 10mm circles.

Step 4

Select the circles you’ve drawn and select Extrude in the Create menu. Set your Direction to Symmetric, your Operation to New Body and extrude the circle shapes by a Distance of 15mm.

On the left hand-side of your screen there are a number of lightbulbs. Expand the bodies lightbulb and click on the bulb for body 2 to switch that view off.

Use the cube in the top right corner to change from a top view to a bottom view.

Select Fillet in the Modify menu.

Select the bottom of each circle extrusion then set your radius to 5mm.

Step 5

Return to a top view and switch on the lightbulb next to the hidden body of your desk tidy extruded shape.

Select Combine from the Modify menu and turn the Operation to Cut. Set your desk tidy shape as your Target Body and your circle extrusions as your Tool Bodies and select OK to complete the operation.

Step 6

Select the Fillet tool and create a 5mm fillet around the outer edge of your desk tidy.

Using the Fillet tool again, create a 1mm fillet around all the circle cut out shapes.