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App Factory
Maker Space
Machine Learning
CNC Milling 1: Introduction to CNC Milling
Unit 5
Lesson 4
Course navigation
Unit 1 - Create a 2D Design
Unit 2 - Set up Toolpaths from a 2D Design
Unit 3 - Have a go at CNC Milling
Unit 4 - Create a 3D file for CNC Milling
Unit 5 - Import your Files for 3D Milling
Material settings
Import your 3D model
Create a vector boundary
Unit 6 - Set up Toolpaths for 3D Milling
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1 point
Your Job Setup should always be created with measurements based on:
The 3D model you want to mill out
The size of the machining bed
The material you wish to mill into
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1 point
You should always orientate your 3D model so it sits:
With the milling area facing up in the material
With the milling area facing down in the material
With the milling area facing sidewards in the material
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1 point
To generate your outer cut vector, you must use:
Draw Line/Polyline in the Drawing Tab
Create Vector Boundary in the Modelling Tab
Trace Bitmap in the Drawing Tab
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